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Frankie trying to make his way to me through the snow. 

     Winter in Ohio. It comes in like a lion....lasts a few days.... then warms up just enough to create a massive about of mud and yuck. Wait a few days, and it will become frozen mud with sheets of ice. Maybe some snow....then it starts the cycle all over again. This first snow storm we had dropped about a foot of snow on us. It was amazing! Snow is magical. It creates the most beautiful scenery. The calmness that it causes in nature here after a good snow is like God presses the pause button and everything stands still. Just for a little while. Soon after, the thaw comes and mud is back. 

    Yesterday it went from 45 degrees to 25 degrees in a matter of hours. Rain to snow right before our eyes. Now, some find this to be nasty and annoying. I think its magical. The seasons and the weather is a remarkable assurance that we as humans have very little control of what's happening around us. Even with all the technology and brain power that we have now a days....we have zero control over the weather. Its refreshing. The one thing that we can always count on, is the one thing that we have no control over. We as humans seem to always need to have control, to know everything, and to dictate everything going on around us. But is that healthy? Whatever happened to just having faith and trusting that what's meant to be, will be. Period. In actuality we have about as much control over our lives and we do the weather. If we could all just hit the pause button, just like after a snow storm, maybe life wouldn't be so hard. I know for me personally....the pause button has been hit hard this month. I am no longer running this race...I have tapped out. I am a permanent member of the sidelines. And....I couldn't be happier. Life is going to happen the way God has intended regardless of how many To-Do lists I make, no matter how much overtime I put in, no matter how many Apps I have on my phone to keep my life moving forward in the direction that I thought it should be going.  My white flag is up and I surrender my life to God. Have at it Lord.....because I don't want to do this anymore. 

    The blanket of calmness that has come over this home since I have stopped fighting for control is amazing. Its the assurance that I needed to prove that I am on the right path here. One day at a time....One minute at a time. Life isn't supposed to be so stressful and so hard all the time. 

From the words of Paul Palumbo " forget about it" have to say it in a thick Italian accent for it have effect :)


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